SES-2181 Separate limits for query results versus export/explore.

#378 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in dvisser/sesame/SES-2181-Different-limits-for-query-and-explore-pages (pull request #378)

2c31830·Author: ·Closed by: ·2015-03-04


Export and explore are susceptible to requesting huge result sets if a query with no limit on "results per page" has just been executed, due to sharing the "limit" parameter/cookie/element. This change fixes that, by using "limit_explore" for the export and explore pages, and using "limit_query" for query and query result pages. Additionally, I have made sure that the corresponding cookie is checked whenever the parameter isn't part of the request. This fixes most if not all of the annoying buggy behavior around the "results per page" and "next/previous" controls.

As usual, when reviewing Workbench changes, remember that the .js and files are just the "compiled" .ts files.

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