SES-1995 Detect when query parameters must be added to URL for results download to work.

#427 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

I only fixed the case of executing a saved query, not long queries passed directly in POST.

Closed by: ·2015-05-01


If possible, should be included in 2.8.2 release, and maybe we could consider a 2.7.16 release...

I re-opened SES-1995 for the case of query results download requests that come from a page that doesn't have the query specification parameters in the URL. I.e., for when the results display page came from a POST request. This can be due to a query too long for URL-embedding ( > 1k characters), or simply from using the "Execute" buttons on the "Saved Queries" page.

The two changes here are:

  • paging.ts: Detect when we have a URL ending in 'query' and a cookie named 'ref' with the value 'id'. If so, add relevant query cookies to the URL parameters.

  • small change to be more robust with location of local git repository

I compiled the .ts files on a new system, where I had to install node.js and typescript. The installed version of typescript was newer than previously used. As a result, many .js and files changed in this diff. As usual with these typescript changes, you can ignore the .js and diffs when reviewing.

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