Update 0.8.0 docs for cumulative/continued RDSRs
Issue #634
Troubleshooting doc refers to time rather than instances. Q-R logic ignores duplicates
Comments (6)
reporter -
reporter Restructured and reworded for ref
#634. [skip ci], docs only→ <<cset af1e56fd3fa7>>
reporter Added a couple of commas and the word OpenREM for ref
#634. [skip ci], docs only→ <<cset 75c5bad58c1c>>
reporter Added duplicates processing to QR logic docs. Refs
#634. [skip ci], docs only→ <<cset b6e23fbad7bc>>
reporter I'm happy with the changes, so I'm going to merge them in. Any comments gratefully received.
reporter - changed status to resolved
Updating changes. Fixes
#634→ <<cset af69335f2832>>
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First draft of docs for ref
#634. [skip ci], docs only→ <<cset d8f3bb24831f>>