documentation incomplete for virtual environment (STATIC_URL should be updated)

Issue #714 resolved
Luuk created an issue

In order to get openrem running in an virtual directory correctly the STATIC_URL should also be updated. it should be: name_of_virtual_directory/static/

so set it manually or insert the following line in

STATIC_URL = '/' + os.path.join(VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY, STATIC_URL.lstrip('/'))

Documentation should be updated to state this.

Comments (6)

  1. Luuk reporter

    Refs Issue #714 documentation incomplete for virtual environment (STATIC_URL should be updated)

    Updated documentation to state that STATIC_URL should be changed

    Updated code to change in django-js-reverse to match pull request pull request 74 of django-js-reverse (

    → <<cset dde2e8e719a0>>

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