Standard acquisition name not always populated

Issue #1016 resolved
David Platten created an issue

For radiographic studies, if a DICOM image is imported that belongs to an existing study, the add_standard_names code in is never run, meaning that only the first radiographic acquisition in a study will have standard acquisition name entries on import.

I think this can be fixed by adding a line to a section of

if study_in_db:
    )  # Give initial event a chance to get to save on _projectionxrayradiationdose
    this_study = get_study_check_dup(dataset, modality="DX")
    if this_study:
            dataset, this_study.projectionxrayradiationdose_set.get()
        this_study.number_of_events = (

        // New line to check for any matching standard acquisition names

        error = f"Study {study_uid.replace('.', '. ')} already in DB"

It is likely to also affect the mammography extractor as well.

Comments (5)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Added code to check for matching standard names when importing a radiographic or mammographic image into a study that already exists. I have tested this for radiographic images and can confirm it works. Untested for mammography, but no reason to suspect it will not work. Refs issue #1016.

    → <<cset caf4234013a8>>

  2. David Platten reporter

    Added a test for standard acquisition name for a radiographic study that has multiple exposures, all of which should have a standard name. Refs issue #1016

    → <<cset d92544c98b70>>

  3. David Platten reporter

    Merged in issue1016ensureStandardAcquisitionNameOnImport (pull request #595)

    Added code to check for matching standard names when importing a radiographic or mammographic image into a study that already exists. Refs issue #1016.

    Fixes issue #1016

    Approved-by: Ed McDonagh

    → <<cset 0e259176bad7>>

  4. David Platten reporter

    Merged in issue1016ensureStandardAcquisitionNameOnImport (pull request #595)

    Added code to check for matching standard names when importing a radiographic or mammographic image into a study that already exists. Refs issue #1016.

    Fixes issue #1016

    Approved-by: Ed McDonagh

    → <<cset 0e259176bad7>>

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