Stop Accumulated_projection_xray_dose from being populated for TID 10006/7 fields
Fields from TID 10006 and TID 10007 (Accumulated_cassette_based_projection_radiography_dose and Accumulated_integrated_projection_radiography_dose respectively) are also produced in the TID 10004 table.
The rdsr extractor looks like it tries to populate both locations, might just populate the TID 10004 version.
Review and revise where necessary the extractor code to only populate the TID 10006/7 versions.
Comments (11)
reporter -
reporter Need to follow the changes through to html views and excel exports, and move data as per
#160. Then check fluoro. -
reporter Changed dxdetail to refer to accumintegratedprojradiogdose for the total DAP rather than the accumprojxraydose table. Works with dx imported after previous commit, but currently data won't exist for dx already in the database (refs
#160). Refs#159Also added DAP unit conversion to the AccumIntegratedProjRadiogDose class.→ <<cset 10581d5a7746>>
reporter Changed dxfiltered to refer to accumintegratedprojradiogdose for the total DAP rather than the accumprojxraydose table. Works with dx imported after previous commit, but currently data won't exist for dx already in the database (refs
#160). Refs#159→ <<cset c5631d0dfa2b>>
reporter Changed dxfiltered and dxdetail to refer to accumintegratedprojradiogdose for the number of exposures rather than counting the number of event items. Works with dx imported after previous commit, but currently data won't exist for dx already in the database (refs
#160). Refs#159→ <<cset afe771f597c5>>
reporter Changed rffiltered and rfdetail to refer to accumintegratedprojradiogdose for the Total DAP and Total reference point dose. Refs
#159. Works with existing rf imported from Siemens RDSR as the data has been imported into both tables. Therefore we won't need to do a data migration for this (refs#160). Edited rdsr extractor to group the items that should only be in 10007 that are also imported to 10004. These should be removed at some point. Also removed an unused import (ContextID) and corrected the import of AccumProjXRayDose.→ <<cset 0fba7bbdc3cd>>
reporter Changed dx export (xlsx and csv) to refer to accumintegratedprojradiogdose for the Total DAP and number of exposures. Refs
#159. Works with new imports, crashes on existing studies, a data migration required to fix this (refs#160).→ <<cset af86328d3778>>
reporter Changed rf xlsx export to refer to accumintegratedprojradiogdose for the Total DAP, Total RP dose and number of exposures. Refs
#159. Also changed references in csv export code in rf_export, though it is only unused dummy code copied from the dx version. Also made the same changes to the rf export code in exportcsv. Works with new and old imports.→ <<cset 422b72ed3b49>>
reporter - changed status to resolved
#159. Data migration still required ref#160. Needs further testing. Code populating template 10004 in the rdsr extractor has not been removed yet, but doesn't hurt! Should be removed later.→ <<cset 19e8c4527ca8>>
reporter Renaming the schemamigration (refs
#159) and the data migration (refs#160)→ <<cset 8a2cec069d67>>
reporter -
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Changed from populating TID 10004/Accumulated Projection X-ray Dose to populating TID 10007/Accumulated Integrated Projection Radiography Dose. Also removed some unused imports and the dataset variable. Refs
#159→ <<cset 09171c140b37>>