Rename all reverse relationship lookups in queries to match new modal names
Modal name database migration looks like it will work (though not tested with proper databases yet).
However, reverse relationship lookups make use of the lowercase version of the modal name, which wasn't caught by the refactoring process.
Comments (24)
reporter -
reporter Replaced accumulated_projection_xray_dose. Refs
#180→ <<cset a8cb4b393950>>
reporter Replaced patient_study_module_attributes with patientstudymoduleattr. Refs
#180→ <<cset 4be6c5fa9b41>>
reporter pulse_width to pulsewidth and for some reason general_equipment_module_attributes to generalequipmentmoduleattr. Refs
#180→ <<cset f3174cb064ae>>
reporter Replaced projectionxrayradiationdose - was complicated as frequently used with underscores as foreign key forwards as well as backwards, now without underscore. Refs
#180→ <<cset 12f5de8f54b3>>
reporter Replaced irradiation_event_xray_source_data with irradeventxraysourcedata. Refs
#180→ <<cset 982d7226c438>>
reporter Replaced ct_accumulated_dose_data with ctaccumulateddosedata. Refs
#180→ <<cset a82c9175a62c>>
reporter Changed scanning_length to scanninglength. Refs
#180→ <<cset 1b74be55a71e>>
reporter Replaced accumulated_xray_dose with accumxraydose. Refs
#180→ <<cset db940e1c6461>>
reporter Replaced irradiation_event_xray_mechanical_data with irradeventxraymechanicaldata. Refs
#180→ <<cset c7496f0f735e>>
reporter Replaced xray_tube_current with xraytubecurrent. Refs
#180→ <<cset 1b40e02c776a>>
reporter Replacing xray_filters with xrayfilters. Refs
#180→ <<cset d542b94842c5>>
reporter Replaced accumulated_mammography_xray_dose with accummammographyxraydose. Refs
#180→ <<cset 1a952374374b>>
reporter Replaced observer_context with observercontext. Refs
#180→ <<cset 4c4855b2dd38>>
reporter Replaced ct_xray_source_parameters with ctxraysourceparameters. Refs
#180→ <<cset c2a185d25546>>
reporter Replaced dose_related_distance_measurements with doserelateddistancemeasurements. Refs
#180.→ <<cset e4a2a7cf4b31>>
reporter Replaced irradiation_event_xray_detector_data with irradeventxraydetectordata. Refs
#180→ <<cset ad5f057a048c>>
reporter Replaced ct_irradiation_event_data with ctirradiationeventdata. Refs
#180→ <<cset 19b7cb5a5a03>>
reporter Replaced irradiation_event_xray_data with irradeventxraydata. Refs
#180.→ <<cset 8134602fb003>>
reporter Replaced patient_module_attributes with patientmoduleattr. Refs
#180→ <<cset 907af43638d8>>
reporter - changed status to open
Everything has been changed. Now needs extensive testing :-(
reporter The rename of general_study_module_attributes to generalstudymoduleattr was missed in the detail templates, causing no data to populate the detail sheets. Fixed. Refs
#180. Consequence of the new larger fields is that some numbers are now displayed with absurd numbers of decimal places.→ <<cset 54bfe01694ed>>
reporter - changed status to resolved
#180. Needs testing.→ <<cset 12890d9b1d86>>
reporter Better way of filtering the acquisition events. Added grid information, but will always be blank due to ref
not being fixed till now. Refs#181#750→ <<cset e36988c145a7>>
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Changed ct_radiation_dose reverse lookups. Refs
#180→ <<cset 160dc98b675d>>