For Philips Ingenuity CT scanner, scan projection radiographs have same name as acquisition protocol

Issue #200 resolved
David Platten created an issue

For Philips Ingenuity CT scanner, scan projection radiographs have same name as acquisition protocol. This means that they are included when plotting mean DLP of the different acquisitions, severely affecting the results.

Need to exclude these. Could use the type of acquisition to exclude them from the graph calculations: they have a type of "Constant Angle Acquisition" rather than "Spiral Acquisition" or "Sequenced Acquisition"

Comments (8)

  1. David Platten reporter

    I'm a bit stumped with this. I have tried adding an extra "exclude" to line 501 in that I think should exclude all "Constant Angle Acquisition" from the data. Unfortunately this excludes everything. It's odd, because excluding "Sequenced Acquisition" or "Spiral Acquisition" seems to do what it should. I wonder if my exclude is removing all studies that contain an acquisition of type "Constant Angle Acquisition", rather than just excluding individual events that are of this type? I'm not sure how to take this forward now. I think I'm close... Any help anyone?

    acquisitionSummary = f.qs.exclude(ctradiationdose__ctirradiationeventdata__dlp__isnull=True).exclude(ctradiationdose__ctirradiationeventdata__ct_acquisition_type__code_meaning__exact='Constant Angle Acquisition').values('ctradiationdose__ctirradiationeventdata__acquisition_protocol').distinct().annotate(mean_dlp = Avg('ctradiationdose__ctirradiationeventdata__dlp'), num_acq = Count('ctradiationdose__ctirradiationeventdata__dlp')).order_by('ctradiationdose__ctirradiationeventdata__acquisition_protocol')
  2. Ed McDonagh

    I've had a quick look, and I can't see anything obvious. I can't see why it works for the Sequenced or Spiral but not Constant Angle.

    If it take out all studies for one, why not the other?

  3. David Platten reporter

    Hi @edmcdonagh . Thanks for taking a look. Excluding Constant Angle Acquisition takes out all of the studies because every study contains at least one topogram. Excluding either Sequenced or Spiral Acquisition leaves some studies as not all have a Sequenced or Spiral acquisition in them.

    I'm pretty sure I'm having trouble because the data is grouped into studies. I would ideally like them grouped by individual acquisition instead.

  4. Ed McDonagh

    I see. That makes sense, which pleases me!

    It sounds like you need to use the technique I suggested when you were having issues with duplicate studies with multiple exposures, ie starting again at the exposure model. You found an alternative that time - do you want me to find it again?

  5. David Platten reporter

    @edmcdonagh thanks for the reminder - I'll take a look at what you suggested before and see if I can adapt it.

  6. David Platten reporter

    CT acquisition plot data now excludes any acquisitions of type Constant Angle Acquisition. This references issue 200. I have yet to test it on my live system, but it does work on my test system.

    → <<cset 7ecac612a262>>

  7. David Platten reporter

    CT acquisition plot data now excludes any acquisitions of type Constant Angle Acquisition. This references issue 200. I have yet to test it on my live system, but it does work on my test system.

    → <<cset 7ecac612a262>>

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