Displayed exposure time for Philips Ingenuity is incorrect on ctdetail.html page

Issue #201 new
David Platten created an issue

"Exposure time" for Siemens Definition AS is the total scan time for the particular acquisition.

For the Philips Ingenuity it appears that the value displayed is the number of milliseconds per rotation.

Need to investigate further.

Comments (3)

  1. David Platten reporter

    According to http://medical.nema.org/MEDICAL/Dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_TID_10013.html the Exposure Time should be the total time the patient has received x-ray exposure during the irradiation event. It also states that the value should be stored as seconds, not milliseconds.

    I think that the data stored in the Philips structured dose report is incorrect, as it is storing the time for a rotation, rather than the time for the whole acquisition run. It's also using milliseconds rather than seconds.

    @edmcdonagh , do you know of anyone at Philips that I can approach to ask for this to be corrected?

  2. Ed McDonagh

    Hi @dplatten

    I've just looked at a sample Philips RDSR I have (model "eCT"?), and the Exposure Time is correctly recording the seconds for that exposure.

    I've also had a look at the current (January 2015 v4.1) and two previous (October 2013 v4.1 and March 2013 v4.0) DICOM conformance statements for the Ingenuity and they all list the correct value for Exposure Time.

    Can you check again? And can you send me an offending example (QA or equivalent, naturally!)


  3. Ed McDonagh

    Subsequent investigations have shown that for all the examples we have, Philips RDSRs do not hold sensible information in the Exposure Time field.

    Need to pursue with Philips, moving this issue to Future for now.

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