Add DJP Conquest as a Windows service howto to the docs
Issue #22
- Make sure conquest isn't running.
- Open a file browser and navigate to your conquest folder.
- Right-hand click on the "ConquestDICOMServer.exe" file and choose "Run as..."
- Enter the username and password of a Windows user with administrator rights.
- Once conquest is running, click on the "Install server as NT service" on the "Configuration" tab.
- Close the conquest Window.
- Log in to Windows as a user with administrator rights.
- Go to "Control panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Services".
- There will be a service with the same name as conquest's AE title. Right-hand click the mouse on this service and select "Properties".
- On the "Log On" tab check the box that says "Allow service to interact with the desktop".
- Click "Apply" then "OK".
- Right-hand click on the service again and click "Restart".
The "Allow service to interact with the desktop" seems to be necessary for the batch to run that puts the dose report into OpenREM.
Comments (2)
reporter -
reporter - changed status to resolved
Added backing up MySQL and running conquest as a serviceon Windows topics contributed by DJ Platten. Fixes
#22,#23.→ <<cset 34f09fa01d08>>
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Add firewall stuff:
add three port exceptions to the Windows firewall on the server computer: ports 80 and 443 for Apache, and port 5105 for conquest. I used the instructions here, which worked beautifully: