Multiple entries in dxfiltered.html table when filtering
Issue #252
When filtering the dxfiltered.html page by, for example, acquisition protocol, the resulting table has multiple entries for studies that contain more than one exposure. Studies with 4 exposures appear four times, those with 3 exposures appear 3 times etc.
The problem doesn't exist for the non-filtered view.
Comments (4)
reporter -
reporter The duplicate rows only appear when there is more than one acquisition of the same type in a given study. For example, if a study contains two "Pelvis AP" acquisitions then it'll appear more than once on the summary sheet.
reporter Added distinct() to f to remove duplicate rows in radiographic filtered data. References issue
#252.→ <<cset 31d90fdd3949>>
reporter - changed status to resolved
The addition of distinct() has fixed this issue.
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The CT view is unaffected.