Options and admin menus are getting messy
Could do with some rationalisation. Also the blocks could be better defined in base so less has to be defined in the lower level templates.
Comments (14)
reporter -
reporter Created Import menu. Added importsizegroup and importqrgroup. Refs
#285→ <<cset 913a853ea5eb>>
reporter Changed navbar block to add in a block for each modality containing just the <li> that needs to have class=active added. Refs
#285→ <<cset 32f1a46de16b>>
reporter Export is only on exportgroup and not admingroup now. Removed perm versions of groups from DX. Changed DX navbar block to just the navdx block. Refs
#285,#286→ <<cset 0e6d13483ec7>>
reporter Made pid/perm changes and navbar block changes to RF templates and views. Refs
#285,#286→ <<cset cd8450a3a2a4>>
reporter Made perm/group, export only and navbar changes to ct. Changed ctdetail from generic detailview to a custom view so groups could be passed in enabling the appropriate links in the navbar and potentially in the future download options. Refs
#285,#286→ <<cset 3930319c4b57>>
reporter Changed perm/group, exportgroup only and navbar block for mg. Changed detailview to a view with admin variable. Refs
#285,#286→ <<cset 60807cea75ff>>
reporter Changed perm/group and navbar block for size import views and templates. Refs
#285,#286→ <<cset f9d021b861a8>>
reporter perm/group and navbar for display name. Alsos added message for charts off link - will need messages display added to base before it has effect on homepage. Refs
#285,#286→ <<cset de1628bfaf0c>>
reporter perm/group changes, navbar changes, removing messages for all DICOM related views and patient ID settings view. Refs
#285,#286→ <<cset 286d9866f19e>>
reporter - changed status to resolved
Navbar now tidied up, as are the permissions groups that go through to the templates. In addition the messages code has been rationalised and improved. Fixes
#285,#286→ <<cset d072a890ecff>>
reporter Fixing nav include for dicomqr template. Refs
#285→ <<cset fbf034d64de3>>
reporter - changed status to open
Seem to have missed converting dx and rf to custom detail views to enable permission groups to go through.
reporter - changed status to resolved
Added RF and DX detail views to enable permissions to go through to templates. Fixes
#285again.→ <<cset 8e7822390cbd>>
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Replaced user options menu with joint user/system config menu. Some admin menu items not yet re-homed. Refs
#285→ <<cset 4594f535fd68>>