Auto-start and keep-alive DICOM Store SCP
Should be possible to configure DICOM Store SCPs to auto start when Celery/Celery beat is started, and to restart if it fails.
Comments (17)
reporter -
reporter Starting to build echoscu based on qrscu. Refs
#292→ <<cset e780a25dc9fd>>
reporter First draft of a working echo_scu tool. Returns 'AssocFail' if no association, and Success if echo works. Haven't engineered a successful association but rejected echo yet. Refs
#292→ <<cset 728d79d74fd1>>
reporter Tidied up, added preliminary code docs. Refs
#292→ <<cset b77b02c732f0>>
reporter Added field to StoreSCP model for keep_alive flag, and added it to the migration file. Refs
#292and#290→ <<cset 29a5e214afef>>
reporter Rudimentary, but working, auto-start and restart function for Store SCP nodes based on failure to associate only at the moment. Refs
#292→ <<cset 0628ac052213>>
reporter - changed milestone to 0.7.0
reporter Putting keep_alive import back into the tasks file - it is required. Refs
#292→ <<cset b9f403859bd7>>
reporter Adjusting all the echoscu logging message levels and text. Refs
#292→ <<cset 1a3c25a7cab1>>
reporter More logging level and text modifications. Refs
#292→ <<cset 78eb2baab093>>
reporter Created AJAX status update for store node. Works, but found that if keep_alive has sent lots of start tasks that haven't been actioned, it can be impossible to kill the store node! Refs
#292→ <<cset a2ec5cf632e7>>
reporter Rolled status update into last known status cell in table. Works. Refs
#292→ <<cset db08a7934a79>>
reporter Now disables the delete button when the store is live, and disables the stop and start buttons as necessary too. Floats stop/start to right. Refs
#292→ <<cset d2de254b3b49>>
reporter Added rudimentary DICOM status to the QR page. Refs
#292→ <<cset d030467e3ded>>
reporter Added a rudimentary section on celery beat to the start services section. Refs
#292→ <<cset ebf61a05aa78>>
reporter - changed status to resolved
Functionality now exists to auto-start and keep alive Store SCPs. Also shows Store status, and Store and QR status on the QR page. Fixes
#292→ <<cset e46e845f90c1>>
reporter Corrected hard-coded Move AE Title. Added Try Except for logging station name so it doesn't quit when the station name is missing. Refs
#292→ <<cset 49cfa6fd9373>>
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Added keep-alive function as basis for maintaining DICOM Store SCP nodes; created schedule for it and got it running successfully. Refs
#292→ <<cset aa47053c39b4>>