Explicit VR objects corrupted on store
I think this is what is happening - a series of Philips BigBore dose info images were corrupted after being stored via a QR request. It seems that the storescp function is setting the syntax to be ImplicitVR without actually changing anything.
Comments (7)
reporter -
reporter The issue seems to be that the DS object has a group 2 TransferSyntaxUID included, so when the DICOM file is written, that appears at the start of group 8. I don't know what has happened to cause this. Removing it seems to make things work. Tested with various modalities and conquest installed through Ubuntu. Refs
#309→ <<cset 3a33272c4d8e>>
reporter Merging back into develop for now, needs further testing. Refs
#309→ <<cset 9d1954c4e18d>>
reporter Code as merged was working for my conquest install. However, it didn't work for dcmtk as there was no TransferSyntaxUID in DS. By checking that first, dcmtk seemed to work. But now conquest is not working.
reporter TransferSyntaxUID seems to be included in Retrieve from Ubuntu packaged Conquest, but not from DCMTK. Added test before removing. Refs
#309→ <<cset 3249b7964e41>>
reporter - changed status to resolved
No further instances of this issue having tested more systems with the new code.
reporter Added refs
#296,#309,#313to changes.→ <<cset aa798d7555b0>>
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Commented out the changing of the Transfer Syntax. Refs
#309→ <<cset 374710233a68>>