Improve colours used for bar chart series and pie chart data points

Issue #342 resolved
David Platten created an issue

The colours for bar chart series are not very appealing when more than two series are being plotted. The colours used for pie chart data points are generated using a routine that I have written, but it is not very elegant.

I would like to make use of a pre-written library, and think that chroma.js ( will work well. It will enable the use of colour scales similar to those on the ColorBrewer site (

I have already implemented this library when working on issue #332, but thought that it was worth having it as a separate issue.

Comments (13)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Added user option to plot a series per system, or to group all systems into one series. Also fixed an error in the colour calculations that was causing a divide by zero when there was only one series. References issue #332 and issue #342.

    → <<cset ec745250d1f6>>

  2. David Platten reporter

    Updated radiographic charts to use new colour scheme. Also fixed a couple of errors: put back in some code that should not have been removed. References issue #332 and issue #342

    → <<cset 04b29547f7dc>>

  3. David Platten reporter

    Added user option to plot a series per system, or to group all systems into one series. Also fixed an error in the colour calculations that was causing a divide by zero when there was only one series. References issue #332 and issue #342.

    → <<cset ec745250d1f6>>

  4. David Platten reporter

    Updated radiographic charts to use new colour scheme. Also fixed a couple of errors: put back in some code that should not have been removed. References issue #332 and issue #342

    → <<cset 04b29547f7dc>>

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