Sort by frequency with a series per system doesn't behave as I expect it to

Issue #355 resolved
Ed McDonagh created an issue

I'd like the sort by frequency to sort by the sum of all the elements in any particular value on the x-axis, as it would have done if Plot a series per system wasn't ticked.

Comments (21)

  1. David Platten

    @edmcdonagh, see commit f3f1372

    What about the sort by DLP / CTDI / DAP buttons? They also just sort by the values in series 1. Perhaps they should sort by the overall mean / median / something else of each category?

  2. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Instinctively I think I would expect them to be ordered by the 'average' value in each group, ignoring any zeros...

    How hard is that?

  3. David Platten

    I can make the sorting by DLP / DAP / CTDI / kVp / mAs be ordered by the "average" value fairly easily.

  4. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Thanks @dplatten. I'll update my test install on Monday and close the issue then. Have a lovely week.

  5. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Unfortunately this seems to have broken sorting by DLP and frequency - only sorting alphabetically is working now. This is on a version I rolled from the before these changes, with the new versions of the static folder, the ctfiltered.html and dxfiltered.html and the copied over.

    I have tried CT and DX and I think they are behaving the same.

  6. David Platten

    Hi @edmcdonagh. The djp demo site is up to date with this code, and I think it works OK. Are you sure you've cleared your browser cache of the old files?

  7. Ed McDonagh reporter

    I've restarted the runserver web server, and used a newly opened browser with cache etc purged, and I've got the same result. I'll roll a new build to make sure I copied everything correctly.

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