Sort by frequency with a series per system doesn't behave as I expect it to
I'd like the sort by frequency to sort by the sum of all the elements in any particular value on the x-axis, as it would have done if Plot a series per system
wasn't ticked.
Comments (21)
reporter Instinctively I think I would expect them to be ordered by the 'average' value in each group, ignoring any zeros...
How hard is that?
The default chart sorting doesn't work at the moment. I'll fix it in a little while.
Made the charts respect the default sorting options that are set. Sort-of references issue
#355→ <<cset 4d8c845d3f17>>
I can make the sorting by DLP / DAP / CTDI / kVp / mAs be ordered by the "average" value fairly easily.
Made the chart sorting by DAP / DLP / CTDI etc work in a more expected way. References issue
#355.→ <<cset 3e3cf010fcf9>>
Hi @edmcdonagh. It's likely that my most recent commit fixes this issue.
I've just updated the djp demo site with this latest commit.
reporter Thanks @dplatten. I'll update my test install on Monday and close the issue then. Have a lovely week.
reporter Unfortunately this seems to have broken sorting by DLP and frequency - only sorting alphabetically is working now. This is on a version I rolled from the before these changes, with the new versions of the static folder, the ctfiltered.html and dxfiltered.html and the copied over.
I have tried CT and DX and I think they are behaving the same.
reporter -
Hi @edmcdonagh. The djp demo site is up to date with this code, and I think it works OK. Are you sure you've cleared your browser cache of the old files?
reporter No I didn't. That's probably the issue!
reporter I've restarted the runserver web server, and used a newly opened browser with cache etc purged, and I've got the same result. I'll roll a new build to make sure I copied everything correctly.
That's odd. Does the sorting of the djp demo site charts work in your browser?
reporter Yes! I'll have a look tomorrow at my local install.
reporter This works. Just need to add to changes/CHANGES and close. Thanks @dplatten
- changed status to resolved
Updated changes. Fixes issue
#355→ <<cset 5705b91819d1>>
Made the charts respect the default sorting options that are set. Sort-of references issue
#355→ <<cset 4d8c845d3f17>>
Made the chart sorting by DAP / DLP / CTDI etc work in a more expected way. References issue
#355.→ <<cset 3e3cf010fcf9>>
Updated changes. Fixes issue
#355→ <<cset 5705b91819d1>>
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@edmcdonagh, see commit f3f1372
What about the sort by DLP / CTDI / DAP buttons? They also just sort by the values in series 1. Perhaps they should sort by the overall mean / median / something else of each category?