Accession number and study description not imported from Toshiba bi-plane RDSRs

Issue #363 resolved
john loveland created an issue

The data appears to import correctly with no error messages but on inspection of the resulting database accession numbers and study descriptions are all NULL.

Comments (10)

  1. Ed McDonagh

    Hi John. From the Toshiba CCL RDSR's I have, it appears that Toshiba don't include the Study Description in their RDSRs. I wonder if you are able to confirm that for the RDSRs you have available? The general information provided by Toshiba in these files seems to be very limited.

    If there is a different field that could be substituted in for Study Description, I can do that. What is normally in the 0032,4000 'Study Comments' field?

    The Accession numbers should be coming through though - the one that you sent @dplatten that he has forwarded to me didn't have one as it was a Physics testing exam, but the field exists. On the system I have that does have a (single plane) Toshiba CCL feeding into it, the Accession numbers come through as expected.

  2. David Platten

    The physics RDSR that John sent over has this under 0032, 4000:

    (0032,4000) LT [emergency case] # 14, 1 RETIRED_StudyComments

  3. David Platten

    The same text appears under 0010, 4000:

    (0010,4000) LT [emergency case] # 14, 1 PatientComments

  4. john loveland reporter

    Hi Ed, I've had a quick check using dcmdump and you're quite right study description is not present. As for accession number a quick investigation revealed that at the hospital in question they do not use a RIS system and thus do not have accession numbers! Is it easy to add columns to display? If so perhaps patient ID could be added? Perhaps this could be a feature... user customisation of the displayed fields? I would be quite keen to have the filtration displayed by default for each exposure event.

    Anyway, I apologise for raising this as a fault in OpenREM because it actually appears to be a fault with Toshiba RDSRs and workflow at the hospital in question.

  5. john loveland reporter

    Hi Ed, I've had a quick check using dcmdump and you're quite right study description is not present. As for accession number a quick investigation revealed that at the hospital in question they do not use a RIS and thus do not have accession numbers! Is it easy to add columns to display? If so perhaps patient ID could be added? Perhaps this could be a feature... user customisation of the displayed fields? I would be quite keen to have the filtration displayed by default for each exposure event. Anyway, I apologise for raising this as a fault in OpenREM because it actually appears to be a fault with Toshiba RDSRs and workflow at the hospital in question.

  6. Ed McDonagh

    Storing patient name and ID is an optional feature of 0.7. If stored, then users with appropriate rights can search by name and/or ID, and export with name and/or ID. However, I have not enabled display of either in the user interface. If you can present a usecase, please feel free to create a new 'proposal' issue :)

    For displaying filtration, please see issue #365 :)

  7. john loveland reporter

    Thanks Ed, I don't think I'll raise a proposal - it's probably only relevant for those rare sites without a RIS. Looking at what you did for the filtration I can just add the patient ID myself to my local install.

  8. Ed McDonagh

    I think within cath lab environments, it isn't that unusual unfortunately. It is also normal in radiotherapy planning CT scanning to not have accession numbers.

  9. john loveland reporter

    Okay, I'll add a proposal for it. If I can work out how to use bitbucket then I could even resolve it myself?

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