Prepare OpenREM docs to be multilingual

Issue #513 resolved
Ed McDonagh created an issue

The sphinx files are currently in English only. It should be possible for the documentation to be translated so the user can choose the language to use on the OpenREM Read the Docs site.

See the Read the Docs docs

I think what needs to happen is as follows:

  • Create a new folder in docs/ for each language, for example de
  • Populate that folder with a set of the docs, complete with a file.
  • Create a new RTD project
    • Same repo
    • Path to file explicitly defined
    • Language set appropriately
  • There seems to be a .po file involved here too, not sure how.

It might be ok to leave the English docs where they are (the other languages' folders would be nestled among them. It would be neater to move the English docs into a folder, but I think this would need to be done for all branches at once? I don't know if it would break old docs?

If anyone has experience with this I'd appreciate help.

Relates to issue ref #512

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