- changed status to resolved
Add Deviation Index and Target Exposure Index to DX exports
Issue #615
As requested by Mark Pearson: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/openrem/g86FeAj9H3k/discussion
Comments (4)
I've verified that this code works for both csv and xlsx export.
- changed milestone to 0.8.0
assigned issue to
reporter Merged in issue615addDIandTDItoDXexport (pull request #180)
Target Exposure Index
andDeviation Index
to the radiographic exports. Fixes issue#615Approved-by: Ed McDonagh ed@mcdonagh.org.uk
→ <<cset c9f4940fc228>>
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Target Exposure Index
andDeviation Index
to the radiographic exports. Fixes issue#615→ <<cset 75dfc785718d>>