nginx/gunicorn docs improvements required

Issue #651 resolved
Ed McDonagh created an issue
  • Static folder needs to be able to be written by www-data - instructions prevent that
  • systemd config file is not clear enough about example paths
  • should recommend changing ownership of the media, logs and celery folders too

Comments (39)

  1. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Changed perms on static, refs #651. Moved quick start into new doc so it can be expanded to the whole process including dealing with permissions. [skip ci] docs only

    → <<cset 05a633f98bf6>>

  2. Ed McDonagh reporter
    • changed status to open

    As per @tcdewit in comment on e4fc150166d7 - database security does need ammending.

    @tcdewit's proposal:

    Fixed by adding a line:

    local openremdb openremuser md5


    local all postgres peer

    in /etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf

  3. Luuk

    Changed perms on static, refs #651. Moved quick start into new doc so it can be expanded to the whole process including dealing with permissions. [skip ci] docs only

    → <<cset b07fbd5d18a6>>

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