Make tables on home page sortable

Issue #659 resolved
David Platten created an issue

This can be achieved using the JavaScript library that is already used for the display name page.

Comments (13)

  1. David Platten reporter

    I can confirm that this works as expected - I've implemented it on my live 0.8.0 system.

  2. David Platten reporter

    Updated changes files and the navigation document to reflect the new ability to sort modality tables on the home page. Doc changes only [skip ci]. References issue #659

    → <<cset be832e85154b>>

  3. Luuk

    Updated changes files and the navigation document to reflect the new ability to sort modality tables on the home page. Doc changes only [skip ci]. References issue #659

    → <<cset baf4d983d59b>>

  4. David Platten reporter
    • changed status to open

    Sorting by "Latest study" doesn't work properly at the moment because of the potential mixture of hours, days, months and years in the response. This can be easily fixed by using a custom sort key.

  5. David Platten reporter

    Added custom sort key for the latest study field on the home page using the integer number of seconds that have elapsed since the most recent study. This enables correct sorting of the summary table. References issue #659

    → <<cset 6229e7ed5f54>>

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