DICOM import with missing CodeValues

Issue #68 resolved
Jonathan Cole created an issue

When attempting to import images which have the "Requested Procedure Code Sequence" tag but no value openrem_mg.py crashes after calling get_values.py from tools because the attribute called (seq[0].CodeValue) does not exist.

Comments (8)

  1. Ed McDonagh

    Refs #68 Amended get_values.py to check that attribute exists before trying to access it, preventing crashes where the sequence is found but no value is present.

    → <<cset 0d4e9bc6ec2e>>

  2. Ed McDonagh

    Added tests folder with initial test for the get_values tool to test JA Cole's fix ref #68. Modified settings.py to enable tests to be run in dev env.

    → <<cset 48c5339a8764>>

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