In RabbitMQ administration the 'default' celery queue is hardcoded
In the RabbitMQ administration the 'default' celery queue is defined as (line 3237 in
if queue['name'] == u'default':
While actually the name of the queue is defined in "":
I would suggest to change line 3237 as:
if queue['name'] == settings.CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE:
Of course you need to import the 'openremproject.settings' first.
Comments (10)
reporter Also in template rabbitmq_queues.html the queues are compared to the string 'default'. But I think this part can be omitted as the 'default' queue shouldn't appear in the "other_queues" any more.
reporter -
assigned issue to
assigned issue to
Good spot. Thanks Luuk
reporter - changed status to resolved
Resolves issue
#716- default queue is hard codedremoved comparison of the name of other_queues to 'default' string in rabbitmq_queues.html
changed 'default' to settings.CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE in
→ <<cset 0a0a21e83bcc>>
reporter - changed status to open
I don't know why it was set to resolved. I didn't do that manually.
You used the magic of commit message syntax:
Thanks for setting it back to open, so we can close on merge.
Tested, and added ref
#716to changes.→ <<cset cf3f5df64740>>
- changed status to resolved
Merged in Issue716defaultQueueHardCoded (pull request #271)
Fixed issue
#716- default queue is hard codedApproved-by: Ed McDonagh
→ <<cset 824ed5e6294c>>
- changed milestone to 0.9.0
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You are right - I did think that briefly when I was coming that!