0.9.0b7 niggles

Issue #731 resolved
Ed McDonagh created an issue

Two things since I have had 0.9.0b7 running for 24 hours:

  • Lots of non-CT display names needed resetting, mostly but not all non-RDSR sources. But I didn't check what it was like before the upgrade, and I don't know how much of it is due to having been on b6...
  • Lots of 'None' tasks in 'older tasks' with status FAILURE. Don't know what they are from. Just me?

Comments (10)

  1. David Platten

    The display name for every mammo and radiographic system that has sent data since moving from b6 to b7 needs to be reset for me.

    I don't have anything in 'older tasks' right now, although it looks like flower was restarted this morning. I'll update on this later on today.

  2. David Platten

    I've checked my server logs, and there are no errors reported since I upgraded from b6 to b7 (celery, flower, qr).

  3. Ed McDonagh reporter

    I think I have the resetting of display names licked. I've just restarted Flower without the local host restriction so I can see if the failed tasks have any more information I can extract. I'll update when/if I get any to look at.

    Has anyone else checked to see if there are failures in the tasks list? They aren't dated, so I assume they'll go straight to 'older tasks'.

  4. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Same with me since I restarted Flower earlier.

    I'll check my system tonight if I get a chance and do a final beta to install on my other production system that is still on vanilla 0.8.1 tomorrow (again if I get a chance!)

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