Add percentage of interactions that hit openSkin phantom

Issue #882 resolved
Ed McDonagh created an issue

As discussed in December meeting

Comments (13)

  1. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Sorry @wens I deleted your comment as it had David’s email address in. David is @ dplatten

    @Ed McDonagh @David Platten  What are your thoughts on adding this metric to the openskinresult model?

  2. David Platten

    @wens I really like the display of the percentage contributed. I would prefer “DAP” rather than “Dap”.

  3. wens

    @David Platten Ofcourse!

    Luuk and I would like to add it to the class skindosemapresults in as well, it could be used for filtering/ordering. We were wondering what you would think of this idea

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