assigned issue to
Add delete function to export view
Refs #19
Comments (9)
reporter -
reporter Starting to add in a form to the exports list. Refs
#90→ <<cset ab43d1f9b3eb>>
reporter Added the form elements to the exports template, currently using a GET, plan to change this to a POST. Added view url to urls, started to add delete view to ajaxviews. Refs
#90.→ <<cset 9d063f0e3122>>
reporter Delete of export file and database records now work. TODO: Change to POST, add authorisation, styling and add in some try statements to allow for failure. Refs
#90.→ <<cset dd4545d25ab9>>
reporter Styled delete checkbox and delete submit button. Also hide submit button unless there is something in the table. Refs
#90.→ <<cset 5266abdc276c>>
reporter Added login_required decorator to prevent situation where logged in user logs out, then back button is used to get back to the exports page and an non-authorised user could delete exports. Refs
#90→ <<cset 599f8ef6574f>>
reporter Added exception capture on file delete with success or error message being passed through to be displayed stylised on the exports page of the interface. Refs
#90→ <<cset 4e6a6e22029b>>
reporter - changed status to resolved
Delete exports function added. Fixes
#90.→ <<cset 75791d4d30fc>>
reporter Updating changes.rst ref
#90.→ <<cset e83cd23221ac>>
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