Missing study date causes radiographic summary table to fail

Issue #919 resolved
David Platten created an issue

A user had an issue where the radiographic summary table on the OpenREM home page was failing to appear.

Deleting a study from a DRgem Topaz mobile system, where the study date was missing, resolved the problem.

Does the home page table code need a check to ensure that a missing study date does not prevent it from updating?

Comments (6)

  1. Ed McDonagh
    cp DX-Im-Carestream_DR7500-1.dcm DX-Im-Date-Missing.dcm
    dcmodify -m "StudyDate=" -m "SeriesDate=" -m "ContentDate=" -m "AcqusitionDate=" -m "InstitutionName=DX Date Removed" -gst -gse -gin  DX-Im-Date-Missing.dcm

  2. Ed McDonagh

    Added try/except for generating latestdatetime. Set to 1900 if missing. Refs #919. Also check if study_date exists before using for patient_birth_date.

    → <<cset 06298ca8c0f3>>

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