Investigate if Django 3.2 is possible for 1.0 release

Issue #940 resolved
Ed McDonagh created an issue

Django 2.2 is now out of long term support. See if it is easy to update to 3.2 before release.

Would involve updating other libraries too, and ensuring OpenREM works with Python 3.10. Will probably target Python 3.7 to 3.10

Comments (22)

  1. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Updated requirements to django 3.2, everything else free to get latest. Made some required model changes. Refs #940 Tests will fail, mostly on xlrd and pydicom.

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  2. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Pydicom warnings. End angles aren't DICOM tags, looks like included on assumption, not examples. Referring Physician Identification is actually a sequence, with info we are unlikely to want (address/telephone etc). Removed code wouldn't have worked. Refs #940

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  3. David Platten

    Pinned plotly python package to 5.8.2 (the most up-to-date) and updated plotly javascript library to the correct version (2.12.1) for the python package. Switched rendering mode for scatter charts from webgl to svg due to rendering problem when there are many subplots. Refs issue #940

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