Chart options not updated on fluoroscopy or mammography pages when clicking submit button below filters.

Issue #941 resolved
David Platten created an issue

Clicking on the submit button below the chart options correctly sets chart options. However, making changes to chart options and then clicking on the submit button below the filters does not enforce the chart option changes.

Thanks to my colleague Hannah Thurlbeck for spotting the bug and letting me know.

Comments (6)

  1. David Platten reporter

    Added missing name= to submit buttons for fluoroscopy and mammography filtered views so that clicking the submit button below the filtering options also updates any changed chart options. This did not work before because leaving out the name= makes the submit variable unavailable in the response structure. Refs issue #941

    → <<cset 0bebc5a06f1e>>

  2. Ed McDonagh

    Merged in issue941fluoroChartOptionUpdate (pull request #513)

    Added missing name= to submit buttons for fluoroscopy and mammography filtered views so that clicking the submit button below the filtering options also updates any changed chart options. This did not work before because leaving out the name= makes the su

    Approved-by: Ed McDonagh

    Fixes #941

    → <<cset c4d46c801ee4>>

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