
#475 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in issue823DockerOrthanc (pull request #475)

2beb002·Author: ·Closed by: ·2022-02-01


Secrets file content for Orthanc was copied back into docker-compose.yml when we removed the bind mounts to work out what was happening with permissions for the ‘second’ user of the system. We then decided that read-only (in docker container) config files could be bound, but read-write files (host file system and docker) would need to use volumes.

By that definition, the Orthanc secrets file could be reinstated. But it doesn’t add much value that I can see, and it is easier to document if there are fewer files to change. Advanced users can always edit the docker-compose.yml file as necessary if they want to use a secrets file.

This PR updates the documentation to reflect the Orthanc configuration being in the docker-compose.yml file.

  • Updating Orthanc Docker for not using secrets file. Refs #823 [skip ci] docs only

  • Change highlighting to yaml. Remove reference to secrets file in installation.rst. Refs #823 [skip ci] docs only

  • Correcting number of files to be edited. Refs #823 [skip ci] docs only


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