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SimwoodAPI / Numbers / Number / Manage

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Numbers - Manage

The new Summary Reports are not asynchronous, the response is inline.

NB These are intended to be indicative only and are not, at this time, suitable for billing purposes

 * @param int $account_id - The account id which is provided to you by simwood
 * @param string $number  - Phone number on account
 * @return array

$simwood->numbers->manage->info($account_id, '44198123456')



stdClass Object
    [basic] => stdClass Object
            [link] => /v3/numbers/930000/allocated/44198123456/basic
            [country_code] => 44
            [number] => 1983123456
            [recommended_gold_premium] =>
            [wholesale_gold_premium] => 0.0000
            [block] => 894a404aa15e7e7353243e3198281333
            [bill_class] => DDI
            [SMS] => 0

    [voice] => stdClass Object
            [link] => /v3/numbers/930000/allocated/44198123456/voice
            [app] => Custom
            [appdata] => Advanced Routing

    [fax] => stdClass Object
            [link] => /v3/numbers/930000/allocated/44198123456/fax

    [sms] => stdClass Object
            [link] => /v3/numbers/930000/allocated/44198123456/sms

    [999] => stdClass Object
            [link] => /v3/numbers/930000/allocated/44198123456/999


Numbers - Manage - Allocate number

Allocate an available number to the account.

 * @param int $account_id - The account id which is provided to you by simwood
 * @param string $number  - Phone number on account
 * @return array

$simwood->numbers->manage->allocate($account_id, '44198123456')




Numbers - Manage - De-configure

De-configure and irrevocably remove number from account

 * @param int $account_id - The account id which is provided to you by simwood
 * @param string $number  - Phone number on account
 * @return array

$simwood->numbers->manage->remove($account_id, '44198123456')
$simwood->numbers->manage->delete($account_id, '44198123456')
$simwood->numbers->manage->deallocate($account_id, '44198123456')



