Issue #11 new
Jonathan Cole created an issue

Add a simple GUI and pack into an exe.

Comments (10)

  1. Ed McDonagh

    So cool!

    Have you got an example Siemens CARE Analytics csv export so we can see what it looks like? Save me digging it out...

  2. Jonathan Cole reporter

    Views.csv has the salient (fake) numbers in.

    I can get a list of headings if that helps?

  3. Ed McDonagh

    That should be fairly easy to add an export for, though I do want to incorporate into the web interface in due course. Should blank fields have the word blank in?

  4. Jonathan Cole reporter

    The import does nothing with those columns. It pulls data out of numbered columns, but could equally import it from a database. Take a look at

  5. Jonathan Cole reporter

    Convert GUI to a single entry form with the option to load a config file. Load config value files or, if no value is given, load defaults.

    Initialise defaults in key-value pairs, then load the config file. Copy each config entry to replace the value in the dict. Then serve to the form for users to change as they want.

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