radioGroup selected value

Issue #2 closed
Tiago Rodrigues created an issue

Good morning,

How can I check a radio selected field inside of a return function? I have a checkbox and I want to disable it if a radioGroup has a certain value selected.

The radio object:

<lf-radio #lfRadioBlock

The checkbox example:

 <lf-checkbox name="coralReefOptimization"
                       label="Coral Reef Optimization"></lf-checkbox>

The javascript code for the radio options:

public options: object[] = [
    {value: 'automatic', text: 'Automatic selection'},
    {value: 'semi-automatic', text: 'Semiautomatic selection'},
    {value: 'manual', text: 'Manual selection'},

The javascript example (that it doesn't work):

public isDisabled() {
    return ([parentForm]) => {(parentForm.optimizersSelection.value == 'automatic') ? 'true' : 'false';};

How can I correct the function isDisable() in order to return true if the radio option "automatic" is selected?


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