
orbitzN Eventually consistent replicated state machine

Created by orbitzN last modified
open Async.Std

module Next : sig
  type 'a t =
    | Next of 'a
    | End

 * This represents a snapshot which is used to synchronize.
 * Snapshots are immutable and all synchornization returns
 * a list of operations to apply to the state machine.
module type S = sig
  type t
  type cont
  type chunk
  type op

   * Create a starting point to synchrnoize.
  val start : t -> cont Deferred.t

   * Take the current position in synchronization and give
   * back a chunk to synchronize and the next step in the
   * synchronization.
  val next : cont -> t -> (chunk * cont) Next.t Deferred.t

   * sync takes a synchronization chunk and gives back
   * a list of operations to apply locally as well as an
   * optional chunk to send to the other node involved
   * in the sync to apply.  If there is no chunk given back
   * it means the two nodes are synced.
  val sync : chunk -> t -> (op list * chunk option) Deferred.t
open Async.Std

module type S = sig
  type t
  type op
  type ret
  type snapshot

  val apply : t -> op -> ret Deferred.t

   * This will return when the state machine is able to
   * accept operations again.
  val snapshot : t -> snapshot Deferred.t

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