Install Ruby via RVM when not installed

Issue #6 new
Peter Bittner created an issue

As a developer I want Ruby, Sass and Compass be installed locally on my account (not globally on my machine) so that my machine setup is not polluted and I get a flexible Ruby installation (that doesn't require sudo for installing gems).


Currently, Ruby, Sass and Compass are installed system-wide if they are not found when executing make bootstrap. So, as an alternative we could install only RVM globally, and the rest of the Ruby tool chain locally. Quick'n'dirty example:

$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/.rvm/rubies/default/bin" >> ~/.bash_aliases
$ echo "gem: --no-document" >> ~/.gemrc
$ gem install --pre sass-css-importer
$ gem install compass

The behavior is defined at Makefile (lines 32+).

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