[JOSS-review] add csh as dependency

Issue #3 resolved
Michael Zingale created an issue

csh/tcsh is needed to build Chombo and is usually not installed on linux systems by default – it should be listed as a dependency in the README.md

Comments (6)

  1. Michael Zingale reporter

    actually, it might just be that we should build with

    make CSHELLCMD=/bin/bash


    I’ll test that out.

  2. Michael Zingale reporter

    indeed, if I build on a system without csh/tcsh, it fails, but I can fix the build scripts by compiling as:

    make CSHELLCMD="/bin/bash -c" lib

    perhaps then this can be documented as an alternate to requiring a csh install?

  3. Stella Offner

    Thanks for identifying this issue. I have added that alternative compile option into the documentation notes for compiling Chombo.

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