Get logs when job running

Issue #64 resolved
IT Expert created an issue

Hi. Is it possible to get logs of job through god-web api or mesos web interface when the job is still running ?

When the job is running there is only way to get it logs is open god.log from shared folder from server like:

tail -f /data/godshared/tasks/pairtree_root/80/task/god.log

But users have not access to servers shell.

When I try to get it through api: http://host:6543/api/1.0/task/80/files/god.log

I got error

404 Not Found
The resource could not be found.

Job does not exist 

until job will not finish. When the job will finish this url will work.

Comments (12)

  1. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    It is possible, but you need to run and configure go-d-live process This gives you live monitoring of god.log via web sockets. https:://

  2. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    web proxy need to forward go-d-live requests via web proxy, as described in doc.go-d.ini should specify use of go-d-live:

    live_events: False
    #  Go-D-Live websocket URL
    live_events_url: 'http://localhost:8001'

    best, to avoid CORS issues and remote port access (for ips and firewall), is to forward go-docker-web AND go-d-live to same URL, a web proxy, then forward / web socket requests to go-d-live and others to go-d-web

  3. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    in go-d-live config , secret passphrase should match go-d.ini secret_passphrase field

  4. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    I have updated go-d-web in develop branch (and :dev container) to access god.log via http://host:6543/api/1.0/task/80/files/god.log for running jobs. Will be in next release. There is however no link in UI to access it. In web ui, log access for running jobs goes through (but files will remain accessible anyway via direct http link)

  5. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    tell me if you have issues setting up go-d-live (doc may need to be updated to be more concise)

  6. IT Expert reporter

    Just launched it. You should add to documentation something like this:

    1. Prepare config files:
     "app": {
         "port": 8001,
         "secret_passphrase": "passs"
     "redis": {
        "host": "god-redis",
        "port": 6379,
        "prefix": "god",
        "password": null
    live_events: True
    #  Go-D-Live websocket URL
    live_events_url: 'http://localhost:8001'
    secret_passphrase: 'passs'
    shared_secret_passphrase: 'passs'
    1. Run go-docker-live link redis & shared folder
    docker run -d --name god-live  --link god-redis:god-redis -v /data/godshared:/data/godshared -v /opt/go-docker/default.json:/root/config/default.json -p 8001:8001 osallou/go-docker-live

    Then from web interface click on Job id then click on Live log button (http://host:6543/app/#/job/149/live)

    If everything ok you will see logs, god-live logs should be like this:

    2. Check god-live logs
    docker logs god-live
    info: no auth
    info: Listen on: 8001
    info: Redis: god-redis:6379
    info: Subscription channel: god:jobs:pubsub
    info: Redis connected
    debug: Subscribed
    debug: new connection
    debug: Received message from client: authenticate
    debug: Received message from client: authenticate
    debug: new connection
    debug: Received message from client: authenticate
    debug: new connection
    debug: Received message from client: authenticate
    debug: Received message from client: tail
    debug: Received message from client: untail
    debug: Received message from client: tail
    debug: Received message from client: untail
    debug: Received message from client: tail
    debug: new connection
    debug: Received message from client: authenticate
    debug: Received message from client: tail
    debug: Received message from client: untail
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