cleanup script does not working.

Issue #79 new
IT Expert created an issue

Hi, Olivier.

Looks like clean-up script does not working. Have config file option:

# Clean up ##################################
# Number of days after which job directory
# can be deleted by cleanup script
# Default: 30
clean_old: 14

but there are jobs dirs from April

drwxr-xr-x  12 root root  12 Apr 23 17:03 79/
drwxr-xr-x  12 root root  12 Apr 24 17:58 88/

drwxr-xr-x  12 root root  12 Apr 26 10:23 99/

Is it scheduler feature, or should I have any external cleaning script ?

Comments (11)

  1. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    Cleanup is done by archive service and cleanup script (via cron)

    See Archiver section if

  2. IT Expert reporter

    One more question.

    How should it work properly if we use containers ? Maybe better idea to move this feature to god-scheduler ?

  3. IT Expert reporter

    In case of containers, am I right if I say, to get it work:

    should setup all environments on some host, have mounted storage, expose port from mongodb, have additional go-d.ini (because of different settings to db, mountpoint, etc ?), and then container --link option could not work...

    or have installed and configured crontab on one of this docker containers (god-scheduler, god-watcher), but there will be issues with containers update.

    or make additional container "cron" link it to mongo, and go-d.ini ?

  4. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    cron should just execute something like (where godarchiver container runs)

    docker exec containername python3 [options]

    regarding setup, all services should run on same host , or use dockerswarm and use a docker network between containers. With docker-compose, a network is automatically created and containers can talk each other with the defined container name, no need to open ports (except for godocker web of course which should be the only one open on internet) . shared storage should be mounted on all godocker containers (using same path than on host ( -v /somepath:/somepath with somepath being the go-d.ini configured shared dir)

    you have an example docker-compose in source at go-d-sched/docker-files/compose/docker-compose.yml (which may be customized to match your config/setup)

    go-d.ini in this example is mounted in container to override defaults.

  5. IT Expert reporter

    Oh, I see. so you propose add to cron something like this:

    30 * * docker exec -it \ --link god-mongo:god-mongo \ --link god-redis:god-redis \ -v /opt/godshared:/opt/godshared \ -v path_to/go-d.ini:/opt/go-docker/go-d.ini \ --rm \ osallou/go-docker \ /usr/bin/python3

    in this case we have all environments and connections to db and storage.

  6. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    nope, a docker exec is to be run on an existing container

    docker exec your_godocker_archiver_running_container_id /usr/bin/python3

    in your case, it could also work with a

    docker run --link ....

  7. IT Expert reporter

    yeap, my mistake

    every 30 minutes

    docker run --rm --link god-mongo:god-mongo --link god-redis:god-redis -v /opt/godshared:/opt/godshared -v path_to/go-d.ini:/opt/go-docker/go-d.ini osallou/go-docker /usr/bin/python3

    can't find information about godocker archiver container, if I understood right this is the same image osallou/go-docker container but running with /usr/bin/python3 script ?

  8. Olivier Sallou repo owner

    cleanup script looks at "old" jobs and send an archive request

    the archive service will then pull all archive commands and archive each related job

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