iiwa_moveit cannot be loaded into MoveIt Setup Assistant Due to missing iiwa14.urdf

Issue #119 resolved
Rud Merriam created an issue

While trying to load iiwa_moveit into the Setup Assistant an error is generated saying iiwa_description/iiwa14.urdf does not exist. This is specified in the .setup_assistant file.

Changing the file to iiwa14.urdf.xacro works.

Should iiws_moveit directory be correct for loading into Assistant?

Comments (2)

  1. Deanna Hood

    We did not use the setup assistant but manually edited the default IIWA moveit config to adapt it for the ARIAC environment (linear actuator, vacuum gripper). You can see an example of how to use the resulting files in http://wiki.ros.org/ariac/2018/Tutorials/MoveItInterface. Using those files should mean you don't need to use the moveit setup assistant yourself, but if you want to make modifications to the sample moveit config we provide you can feel free to create a fork of that package and modify it as appropriate.

  2. Deanna Hood

    @rmerriam thank you for your suggestion to update the setup assistant config; it seems that that's the format used in other configs, so I updated it in https://github.com/osrf/iiwa_stack/commit/19d1fab12b821c445c4f08b111b52f760611144e so that teams can customise the moveit config easier if they want. Again, it may not be necessary for you to use the setup assistant if the provided moveit config is sufficient (but you might want to customise it yourself). Appreciate you pointing it out!

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