Scoring Performance metrics

Issue #120 resolved
Rud Merriam created an issue

Clarification on the Performance metrics, please.

It lists three elements for the Shipment Completion Score. Are these 3 distinct scoring elements?

count (Correct Product in Box) + if ( all products and no wrong products) then count(Correct Products in box) + count (Correctly oriented products in box)

If 3 products are in the order the total score could be 9 if all are done correctly.

Comments (3)

  1. Deanna Hood

    Your understanding is correct, max possible score is 3x number of products.

    If one of the products happens to be faulty then, even if it's in the correct pose, you'd get 2 (for correct product count) + 0 (for the bonus) + 2 (for correct pose count) = 4.

    The completion score is printed at the end of the trial if you run with the -v option (or you can check the end of ~/.ariac/log/performance.log.

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