Qual 2 Short Time Frame

Issue #122 resolved
Rud Merriam created an issue

The Qual 2 starts on April 2 and ends on April 13. That is shorter than the 2 weeks announced originally and also shorter than the Qual1 which ran from a Monday to Monday.

Also, Qual2 was not released until late on the 2nd reducing the time by about a day.

Why is this a shorter period of time?

Comments (2)

  1. Deanna Hood

    All challenges used in the second qualifier have been released last week or earlier. Given that teams have more than two weeks to solve the agility challenges, the qualifier itself will be open until April 13, two work weeks.

  2. Deanna Hood

    To answer your question about the reason for the change, it is to be able to provide better support to users during the last days of the qualifiers (this is when we get the most questions), which will now occur during the workweek.

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