end effector joint limits on iiwa arm

Issue #124 resolved
dan created an issue

Is the end effector yaw not able to reach around a full 360 degrees? From the iiwa14.xacro file, looks like the limits are +173 to -173. Is that correct-- there are 14 degrees of a circle that cannot be reached with just an end effector yaw movement?

<limit lower="${-175 * PI / 180}" upper="${175 * PI / 180}"

<safety_controller soft_lower_limit="${-173 * PI / 180}"
                         soft_upper_limit="${173 * PI / 180}"

Comments (2)

  1. dan reporter

    ok, thanks for the response.

    That is a surprising range of motion limit for a real arm. Every arm I have ever worked with has at least a 360 degree range for yaw at the end effector, usually much more.

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