High Priority Order versus In-Process Order Change.

Issue #132 resolved
Former user created an issue


I have a clarification to request regarding the different types of orders that may be issued. According to the web site, up to two orders may be made. I believe that it is stated that the second order is always High Priority. It is also stated that an In-Process Order Change may be issued that is of higher priority. My questions are these:

  • Will any second order not be a high priority order (h=1)?
  • Does an In-Process Order Change mean that the first order does not need to be submitted? Specifically, does submission of the first order in addition to the second, changed order result in higher score than submitting only the order as it existed in the second order (i.e. the first order is invalidated by a change)?
  • Related to the previous question, is any second, high priority order interpreted as an order change, an additional order, or will this depend on the specific trial?

Please excuse me for missing anything that clarifies this.

Comments (2)

  1. Deanna Hood

    In the case of two unique orders being issued (e.g. order_0 and order_1), the second is always high priority, that's correct.

    The in-process order change AKA interruption means that both orders should still be submitted. Because of the higher weight on the efficiency factor of the second order it's advised that the higher priority order be submitted first, but they can be submitted in either order without "completion score" penalty (provided you use the appropriate ID when submitting the shipment). An example trial is: https://bitbucket.org/osrf/ariac/src/95109b9e531a736a11b46f6b0e553f943b1c196d/osrf_gear/config/sample_interruption1.yaml?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default The trial will not end until both orders are submitted in some form (or a timeout, or you call the end_competition service).

    An in-process order update is when the order ID is the same as the first order but with _update at the end. An order update invalidates the previously issued order. In the most extreme case, suppose you had finished filling the originally requested shipment, and then the order gets updated requesting an entirely different set of products: if you submit the shipment you prepared without making any changes to it, it would be worth 0. An example of this behaviour is in: https://bitbucket.org/osrf/ariac/src/95109b9e531a736a11b46f6b0e553f943b1c196d/osrf_gear/config/sample_order_update.yaml?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default The trial will end when the single order has been fulfilled.

    Please let us know if this answered your questions or if something is still unclear. There's different phrasing of the same concepts at https://bitbucket.org/osrf/ariac/wiki/2018/agility_challenges

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