WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published

Issue #137 resolved
Samodine created an issue

first by typing this command "rostopic echo /mon_robot/joint1_position_controller/command" in my terminal i was trying to make sure that gazebo receive the message that i'm sending through a node that i created; this node has a publisher that publish a topic /mon_robot/joint1_position_controller/command. i run rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph in my terminal, and i saw that i have a connexion between the node that i created, the topic and gazebo. So i don't know why i have this error.

if there is any question i'm listenning.

Comments (3)

  1. Deanna Hood

    Hi @Samodine, I realise you have probably resolved this issue by now, but if anyone else comes across it: there's a chance that the simulation was paused (in which case it won't publish the clock).

  2. linfeng Dong

    Could I know how do you solve the problem? Becasue I encouter the simliar problem now. It would be grateful if you could help me solve the problem.Thank you.

  3. Deanna Hood

    Hi there, the issue might be that the simulation is paused. In that case, you can fix it by un-pausing the simulation by clicking on the play button in the Gazebo interface (or by sending a command to Gazebo programmatically). If that doesn’t work, could you please open a new issue with the details of your situation?

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