Can't Run MoveIt Assistant or Missing Arm Configuration

Issue #144 resolved
Rud Merriam created an issue

There is no MoveIt configuration for the arms so MoveIt is unusable. Tried using the Assistant to create a configuration but the arm configuration files are reported as invalid. Did manage to get the assistant to accept the arm xacro created in the /tmp folder but not sure what to enter for all the parameters, especially with 2 arms.

Hesitated to post this because I suspect a configuration is in process but it is critical to get to the point of using MoveIt relatively soon.

Comments (7)

  1. Shane Loretz

    A tutorial on using moveit is in progress. It will be similar to last years tutorial:

    Roughly what it will have:

    • Launching two move groups, one for each arm
    • make universal_robot packages build on melodic
    • Add linear_arm_actuator_joint joint
    • need to remap /tf and /tf_static to /ariac/arm1/tf and /ariac/arm1/tf_static (same for arm2)
    • need to remap robot_description
    • need to remap follow_joint_trajectory

    Like last year the MoveIt tutorial will be provided as a starting point, but it is not an officially supported feature of the competition. Teams are free to use it, but the ARIAC support team won't provide technical support for using MoveIt.

  2. gavanderhoorn

    @sloretz wrote:

    make universal_robot packages build on melodic

    Could you clarify what you mean by this? I just tested building universal_robot in a Melodic Docker container and apart from some warnings in ur_kinematics all packages build successfully.

  3. Shane Loretz

    @gavanderhoorn I must have this confused with something else. I thought there was a lot more, but it looks like the only change I see other than adding the linear actuator and remapping topics is in ur10_moveit_config/launch/move_group.launch

    -                                     move_group/MoveGroupExecuteService
    +                                     move_group/MoveGroupExecuteTrajectoryAction
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