Wiki - Gear Interface Tutorial

Issue #146 resolved
Rud Merriam created an issue

Working through the new Gear Interface Tutorial so here are any issues:

  • source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash, should be melodic.

  • " You must you sensors to detect and classify products in the storage bins or conveyor belt." - "You must add your sensors..."

  • The gripper release command should be: rosservice call /ariac/arm1/gripper/control "enable: false", i.e. arm1 missing.

  • The rviz example for TF has errors in the robot model. Not critical since the frames are shown but would be nice to see it error free.

Quality Control section: The response to the command rostopic echo /ariac/quality_control_sensor_1 returns a shorter response:

rostopic echo /ariac/quality_control_sensor_1
models: []
    x: 0.3
    y: 3.5
    z: 1.5
    x: 0.501601833862
    y: 0.499997434122
    z: -0.499997434122
    w: 0.498398166138

Appreciate the tutorial. Glad to see the arm movement section, especially.

Comments (7)

  1. Shane Loretz

    Thanks! I fixed the first three issues: sourcing melodic, grammar issue with the sensors sentence, and arm1 in the gripper control topic.

    I have not yet looked at the tf errors in the robot model display.

    The quality control sensor should have the faulty part in models. After running the command to spawn the faulty part, do you see it on AGV1's tray?

    rosrun gazebo_ros spawn_model -sdf -x 0.1 -y 0.1 -z 0.05 -R 0 -P 0 -Y 0 -file `catkin_find osrf_gear --share --first-only`/models/piston_rod_part_ariac/model.sdf -reference_frame agv1::kit_tray_1::kit_tray_1::tray -model piston_rod_part_5
  2. Rud Merriam reporter

    The part is on the tray and is the piston_rod_part_5. The quality control is #1. The quality control response is short.

    Suggest adding the -c option to the quality control echo message.

  3. Shane Loretz

    Is this from source or from the prerelease of ariac3?

    If from source then make sure your copy is up to date pull request #112. That PR updated the sample trial to flag piston_rod_part_5 as faulty. If it's from the ariac prerelease, I'll update that shortly.

  4. Rud Merriam reporter

    It is from the pre-release.

    Scared me for a minute. I did an update / upgrade which upgraded ariac3 but it disappeared. Did another and now it is back.

    Now the qual control sensor is giving the full message.

  5. Shane Loretz

    For the rviz example, the current configuration doesn't include the Robot Model display anymore. One arm at a time can be visualized, but it requires a few remappings:

    rosrun rviz rviz /tf:=/ariac/arm1/tf /tf_static:=/ariac/arm1/tf_static robot_description:=/ariac/arm1/robot_description

    I added a section about this to the tutorial

    I'll close this since I think all the issues have been resolved. Thanks, and please open more issues as you find them.

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