score is always 0. kit vs shipment?

Issue #150 resolved
dan created an issue

I am having trouble getting a score other than 0.

Following the tutorial, after putting good parts on tray 1 as specified by the first order received, I am making a service call: rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "kit_type: order_0_kit_0"

and the tray (with good parts) gets delivered, but the score is always 0. I see that the actual name of the order is order_0_shipment_0 but using that still generates a score of 0.

I suspect I am missing something simple, but am unable to resolve it. Appreciate the help.

Comments (6)

  1. Shane Loretz

    Hi Dan, the scoring code does not yet function in the pre-release. A zero score is expected for now. I'll update this issue when that get's fixed.

  2. dan reporter

    OK, but then I need to know some way to verify that I am putting the parts in the correct place. I tried using rostopic echo /ariac/trays and was surprised to see that, for tray 1, with a part placed left of center (as viewed looking toward the conveyor belt), the Y coordinate was -0.15, while parts placed to the right of center have positive values for Y. However, the world Y coordinate increases as you move to the left (e.g., the center of tray 1 has Y = 3.15 in world coordinates, while the center of tray 2 is at -3.15). Similarly, a part that is placed on the tray so that it is closer to the conveyor belt than the center of the tray, shows negative values for X, but in world coordinates X increases in that direction. Is the tray frame rotated by pi? I tried looking at the URDF files to get the position and orientation of the trays, but couldn't find them.

  3. Steven Gray

    You can view the coordinate frames in Gazebo with View -> Link Frames.

    You can also use the Gazebo rosservices like so:

    rosservice call /gazebo/get_link_state "link_name: 'agv1::kit_tray_1::kit_tray_1::tray'
    reference_frame: 'world'" 
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