MoveIt Config Correct?

Issue #157 resolved
Rud Merriam created an issue

I know we're not to expect MoveIt support but wonder if there is a configuration issue. I followed the tutorial and everything works fine all the way through.

I'm now trying to use C++ based on the MoveIt tutorials to manipulate the arms.

First is the message: "Skipping virtual joint 'fixed_base' because its child frame 'linear_arm_actuator' does not match the URDF frame 'world'" and "No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint"

Since the code continues I'm assuming this doesn't stop using the arms.

The next error is why I wonder if there is a configuration issue;

"The kinematics plugin (manipulator) failed to load. Error: Could not find library corresponding to plugin kdl_kinematics_plugin/KDLKinematicsPlugin. Make sure the plugin description XML file has the correct name of the library and that the library actually exists.

Kinematics solver could not be instantiated for joint group manipulator."

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