updated ariac3 to 3.01, unable to deliver tray or get score

Issue #164 resolved
dan created an issue

When I order a tray to be delivered, I get this error:

[ INFO] [1553887189.335080781, 34.762000000]: Announcing order: order_1

[ERROR] [1553887385.731393569, 116.814000000]: [INFO] AGV 'agv1' delivery triggered for kit: order_1_shipment_0 [ INFO] [1553887387.659185674, 117.566000000]: waitForService: Service [/submit_tray] has not been advertised, waiting...

Comments (7)

  1. dan reporter

    After starting the sim and getting an order, I called this service:

    rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "kit_type: order_0_kit_0"

    and the sim generated those messages. I did not call submit_tray

    Here is the call and the local response (but the sim just hangs, waiting.......)

    rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "kit_type: order_0_kit_0"
    success: True
  2. dan reporter

    I am trying to use the real call, /ariac/agv1 not the cheat call /ariac/submit_shipment however, here are the results for submit_shipment

    rosservice call /ariac/submit_shipment "shipment_type: order_0_kit_0"
    ERROR: Incompatible arguments to call service:
    No field name [shipment_type]
    Provided arguments are:
     * {'shipment_type': 'order_0_kit_0'} (type dict)
    Service arguments are: [tray_id kit_type]
    $ rosservice call /ariac/submit_shipment "kit_type: order_0_kit_0"
    success: True
    inspection_result: 0.0

    Here are the results for the call to /ariac/agv1

    rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "shipment_type: order_0_kit_0"
    ERROR: Incompatible arguments to call service:
    No field name [shipment_type]
    Provided arguments are:
     * {'shipment_type': 'order_0_kit_0'} (type dict)
    Service arguments are: [kit_type]
    $ rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "kit_type: order_0_kit_0"
    success: True
    But that `True` result yields the error in the sim:
    [ERROR] [1554031382.529333411, 24.092000000]: [INFO] AGV 'agv1' delivery triggered for kit: order_0_kit_0
    [ INFO] [1554031383.667707717, 24.844000000]: waitForService: Service [/submit_tray] has not been advertised, waiting...
  3. Steven Gray

    @dan77062 Looks like you might be missing some additional single quotes. I'm building the newest code from source and below works for me.

    rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "shipment_type: 'order_0_shipment_0'" 

    I get the following output from gazebo:

    [1554051001.650743372, 33.828000000] KitTrayPlugin::HandleGetContentService.325: agv1::kit_tray_1::kit_tray_1::tray: Handle get content service called by: /gazebo
    [1554051001.652362903, 33.830000000] ROSAGVPlugin::OnCommand.370: [INFO] AGV 'agv1' delivery triggered
    [1554051002.437911791, 34.582000000] ROSAGVPlugin::OnUpdate.295: AGV successfully triggered.
  4. dan reporter

    I must have a version conflict, since the result I see is:

    rosservice call /ariac/agv1 "shipment_type: 'order_0_shipment_0'" 
    ERROR: Incompatible arguments to call service:
    No field name [shipment_type]
    Provided arguments are:
     * {'shipment_type': 'order_0_shipment_0'} (type dict)
    Service arguments are: [kit_type]

    Unfortunately, in my current location, I can update but there is insufficient bandwidth to re-install or even to download the source.

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