oddness trying to send agv during blackout

Issue #179 invalid
Former user created an issue

for scenario $(find osrf_gear)/config/sample_sensor_blackout.yaml

we attempt to ship out agv2 during a blackout, and the simulator says:

[ WARN] [1557248749.633394023, 21.033000000]: Force enabling conveyor because power set by task manager. [ INFO] [1557248749.634422654, 21.034000000]: Announcing order: order_0

[ INFO] [1557248795.112333823, 66.050000000]: Triggering sensor blackout because 2 products detected. [ERROR] [1557248829.742467561, 93.411000000]: agv2::kit_tray_2::kit_tray_2::tray: Handle get content service called by: /gazebo [ERROR] [1557248829.743240001, 93.411000000]: [INFO] AGV 'agv2' delivery triggered [ INFO] [1557248830.542864287, 94.163000000]: AGV successfully triggered. [ERROR] [1557248876.930704372, 96.917000000]: agv2::kit_tray_2::kit_tray_2::tray: Handle get content service called by: /gazebo [ERROR] [1557248876.931765354, 96.917000000]: AGV not successfully triggered as it was not ready to deliver trays.

The trial does not end and we get no points.

Comments (2)

  1. Shane Loretz

    I’m unable to reproduce submitting a shipment during sensor blackout not being counted in the final score. The sensor blackout trial has two shipments, has the second shipment been submitted?

    How I tested:

    Create a copy of sample_sensor_blackout.yaml with spawn_extra_models: true

    diff --git a/osrf_gear/config/sample_sensor_blackout.yaml b/osrf_gear/config/sample_sensor_blackout.yaml
    index 790d01b..98492b6 100644
    --- a/osrf_gear/config/sample_sensor_blackout.yaml
    +++ b/osrf_gear/config/sample_sensor_blackout.yaml
    @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
       insert_models_over_bins: true
       start_box_at_belt_center: false
    +  spawn_extra_models:  true

    Create a file called sample_sensor_blackout-shipment.yaml with content that will spawn a perfect shipment on AGV 2:

            type: piston_rod_part
              xyz: [0.1, -0.1, 0]
              rpy: [0, 0, 0]
            type: gear_part
              xyz: [-0.1, 0, 0]
              rpy: [0, 0, 'pi']
            type: gear_part
              xyz: [-0.1, 0.15, 0]
              rpy: [0, 0, 0]

    Launch the sample

    rosrun osrf_gear gear.py -f ./src/ariac/osrf_gear/config/sample_sensor_blackout.yaml $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/sample_user_config.yaml ./src/ariac/osrf_gear/config/sample_sensor_blackout-shipment.yaml

    Start the competition

    rosservice call /ariac/start_competition

    Submit the first shipment

    rosservice call /ariac/agv2 "shipment_type: 'order_0_shipment_0'"

    Submit the second shipment when the agv comes back with an empty tray

    rosservice call /ariac/agv2 "shipment_type: 'order_0_shipment_1'"

    Shipments sent during sensor blackout were counted for score (first shipment earns full 9 points, second shipment earns 0).

    [ WARN] [1557260770.092523728, 63.796000000]: Force enabling conveyor because power set by task manager.
    [ INFO] [1557260770.095380495, 63.797000000]: Announcing order: order_0
    [ INFO] [1557260770.098454918, 63.797000000]: Triggering sensor blackout because 3 products detected.
    [ERROR] [1557260777.256803059, 70.556000000]: agv2::kit_tray_2::kit_tray_2::tray: Handle get content service called by: /gazebo
    [ERROR] [1557260777.258249433, 70.557000000]: [INFO] AGV 'agv2' delivery triggered
    [ INFO] [1557260778.050226088, 71.309000000]: AGV successfully triggered.
    [ERROR] [1557260798.074944002, 91.165000000]: agv2::kit_tray_2::kit_tray_2::tray: Handle get content service called by: /gazebo
    [ERROR] [1557260798.075904486, 91.166000000]: [INFO] AGV 'agv2' delivery triggered
    [ INFO] [1557260798.076735218, 91.166000000]: Order complete: order_0
    [ INFO] [1557260798.077830097, 91.167000000]: End of trial. Final score: 9
    Score breakdown:
        Total game score: [9]
        Total process time: [27.371]
        Was arm/arm collision?: [0]
    <order_score order_0>
        Total order score: [9]
        Completion score: [9]
        Time taken: [27.369]
        Complete: [true]
        Priority: [1]
    <shipment_score >
        Completion score: [9]
        Complete: [true]
        Submitted: [true]
        Product presence score: [3]
        All products bonus: [3]
        Product pose score: [3]
        Delivered to correct agv: [true]
    <shipment_score >
        Completion score: [0]
        Complete: [false]
        Submitted: [true]
        Product presence score: [0]
        All products bonus: [0]
        Product pose score: [0]
        Delivered to correct agv: [true]
    [ INFO] [1557260798.078050890, 91.167000000]: "order_id","completion_score","priority","time","is_complete","shipments_requested","shipments_submitted","shipments_completed","shipments_wrong_agv"
    [ INFO] [1557260798.833451443, 91.918000000]: AGV successfully triggered.
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